Monday, May 2, 2011

Putting It All Together - Concatenate or &

Sometimes the data we need may be in separate columns. Excel offers a very simple way of bringing it all together.

Consider this post a prequel to the post for the FIND function (, because our result here is our beginning data there.

We have a list of US Presidents and their first and last names are in separate cells. Using the CONCATENATE formula, you can quickly and easily bring them together into the same cell. The formula, takes the form of =CONCATENATE(something, something else, one other thing). You can concatenate up to 30 “things”.

Here’s an example:

As you see, we’ve concatenated the President’s first name, a space, and their last name.

Now, not to confuse you, but if you find it hard spelling concatenate, you can simply use the ampersand (& - and no you don’t have to spell that one either!)

As you can see, we've combined the same components however, instead of using the word CONCATENATE and commas in the formula, we simply use the ampersand (&) between the components.

And the result:

Keep Excelling!!!

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