Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just In Case – Upper, Lower, & Proper Case Text

Have you ever typed your text in lower case, but changed your mind afterward and would rather have it all in upper case? Maybe you’d rather have the first letter of each word capitalized and wished there was a way that you didn't have to type it all over again? Well there is!!! Without this formula I’m going to tell you about, you would have to start all over and type it all again. Using the nifty UPPER or LOWER or PROPER formulas will take care of it for you. Just select a blank cell (or column) beside the data and type in the formula(s).

The formula for changing everything to upper-case is =UPPER(text or cell to convert)

The formula for changing everything to lower-case is =LOWER(text or cell to convert)

The formula for changing everything to proper-case is =PROPER(text or cell to convert)

It really doesn’t get easier than that!

The next thing you need to do is copy and Paste the Values where you want to display the text (this will most likely be the original cell or column that contained the text in the improper case - unless you want 2 columns with the same data!)

There is one caveat with the PROPER formula: it will capitalize the first letter in any text that follows any character other than a letter. What this means is if you wanted to put “that’s all folks” into proper case, it would result in “That’S All Folks” As you see it capitalized the s after the apostrophe. There is no direct way around this (that I know of) but is not a major issue. Depending on how many I have to change (or how much data I have to look through to find them) what I do is either manually change them one-by-one, or I use a Find & Replace (after I’ve Pasted the Values). I could probably go on, but in the spirit of not confusing  you, I’ll stop right there.

If you have any questions, please post a comment below!

Keep Excelling!

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