Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Little About Me.. & the Blog...

A little bit about me...

You may be asking who are you and why do you have an Excel blog. I have to say that's a great question. I've been asking myself who I was for MANY years. And I've also been asking myself why I DON'T have an Excel blog for years!

Well, my name is Ray and I've been an Excel addict for over 10 years, ever since I was thrown into a job where I needed to use it! You see, I had been a truck driver for years but I had always had a love for computers. I taught myself HTML and created my first website a few months after buying my very first computer. I've just always had an understanding for how computers "think". After getting tired of driving big rigs around New England, I decided to get a job working with computers, in pretty much any capacity; but where?!?! My lovely and supporting wife suggested I go to a temp agency. After taking the basic computer skills test at the temp agency, they came to me and asked "Are you sure you've never worked with computers? You tested higher than most people WITH EXPERIENCE!"

Within a week, they had me placed in an office for a 3 week assignment working with a computer. That's when I was introduced to Excel. My "boss" (the person I went to for direction at this company) showed me some basic stuff, and sent me out to the wolves. When I'd get stuck, I'd go back to her and she'd say "figure it out" - I was in my glory!!!! I was getting paid to play and learn how to use computers!!!! Woo Hooo!!!!!

I did so well that the 3 week assignment turned into 3 months, and then they hired me full time! 10 years later and I'm still there! I have pretty much been labeled the "Excel Guy" at the office. If someone needs any help, they're usually calling me! I have learned so much over the years helping these people that I absolutely love helping others; again I get to earn money while I play and learn how to use Excel (and other programs). What's better than that?

The Blog…

My purpose for this blog is to share my knowledge and insight about Excel. I think the best way to learn something is by actually doing it, making the mistakes, and doing it again. But you don't know what you don't know (I shamelessly "borrowed" that line from someone; I just forget who it was!) Therefore, if I can show you a few things, you can then try them and make your own mistakes and learn from them.

If you actually read all of this, please post a comment below. I'd like to know your thoughts about this whole thing.

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